novembre 2001 |
Enhancement of oxidation rate of a-Si nanoparticles during dehydrogenation |
Das, Debabrata
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Viera Mármol, Gregorio
; Bertrán Serra, Enric
Enhancement of oxidation rate of a-Si nanoparticles during dehydrogenation |
Das, Debabrata
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Viera Mármol, Gregorio
; Bertrán Serra, Enric
Epitaxial superconducting GdBa2Cu3O7−δ /Gd2O3 nanocomposite thin films from advanced low-fluorine solutions |
Cayado, Pablo
; Mundet, Bernat
; Eloussifi, Hichem
; Vallés, Ferrán
; Coll, Mariona
; Ricart, Susagna
; Gázquez, Jaume
; Palau, Anna
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Puig, Teresa
; Obradors, Xavier
5 juny 2018 |
Epitaxial superconducting GdBa2Cu3O7−δ /Gd2O3 nanocomposite thin films from advanced low-fluorine solutions |
Cayado, Pablo
; Mundet, Bernat
; Eloussifi, Hichem
; Vallés, Ferrán
; Coll, Mariona
; Ricart, Susagna
; Gázquez, Jaume
; Palau, Anna
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Puig, Teresa
; Obradors, Xavier
15 febrer 2020 |
Epitaxial superconducting GdBa2Cu3O7−δ /Gd2O3 nanocomposite thin films from advanced low-fluorine solutions |
Cayado, Pablo
; Mundet, Bernat
; Eloussifi, Hichem
; Vallés, Ferrán
; Coll, Mariona
; Ricart, Susagna
; Gázquez, Jaume
; Palau, Anna
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Puig, Teresa
; Obradors, Xavier
Epitaxial superconducting GdBa2Cu3O7−δ /Gd2O3 nanocomposite thin films from advanced low-fluorine solutions |
Cayado, Pablo
; Mundet, Bernat
; Eloussifi, Hichem
; Vallés, Ferran
; Coll, Mariona
; Ricart, Susagna
; Gázquez, Jaume
; Palau, Anna
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Puig Molina, Teresa
; Obradors, Xavier
setembre 2009 |
Estudi calorimètric preliminar de xocolates industrials de qualitat |
Alofra Marcé, Marcel
Estudi calorimètric preliminar de xocolates industrials de qualitat |
Alofra Marcé, Marcel
setembre 2015 |
Estudi de la cinètica de cristal·lització dels polÃmers durant l’escalfament i el refredament del lÃquid |
Cros Font, MartÃ
Estudi de la cinètica de cristal·lització dels polÃmers durant l’escalfament i el refredament del lÃquid |
Cros Font, MartÃ
Exact analytical solution for the Kissinger equation: Determination of the peak temperature and general properties of thermally activated transformations |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
Exact analytical solution for the Kissinger equation: Determination of the peak temperature and general properties of thermally activated transformations |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
5 juny 2018 |
Exact analytical solution for the Kissinger equation: Determination of the peak temperature and general properties of thermally activated transformations |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
2014 |
Exact analytical solution for the Kissinger equation: Determination of the peak temperature and general properties of thermally activated transformations |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
Fibre laser cutting of polycaprolactone sheet for stents manufacturing: a feasibility study |
Farjas, Jordi
; Guerra, Antonio Jesús
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Ciurana, Quim de
Fibre laser cutting of polycaprolactone sheet for stents manufacturing: a feasibility study |
Farjas, Jordi
; Guerra, Antonio Jesús
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Ciurana, Quim de
1 octubre 2017 |
Fibre laser cutting of polycaprolactone sheet for stents manufacturing: a feasibility study |
Guerra Sánchez, Antonio
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Ciurana, Quim de
Full instability behavior of N-dimensional dynamical systems with a one-directional nonlinear vector field |
Rius, J.
; Figueras, M.
; Herrero, R.
; Pi i Vila, Francesc
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Orriols Tubella, Gaspar
2000 |
Full instability behavior of N-dimensional dynamical systems with a one-directional nonlinear vector field |
Rius, J.
; Figueras, M.
; Herrero, Ramon
; Pi i Vila, Francesc
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Orriols Tubella, Gaspar
15 febrer 2020 |
Full instability behavior of N-dimensional dynamical systems with a one-directional nonlinear vector field |
Rius, J.
; Figueras, M.
; Herrero, Ramon
; Pi i Vila, Francesc
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Orriols Tubella, Gaspar
Isoconversional analysis of copper recrystallization |
Pérez, Abel
; López-Olmedo, Joan Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
Isoconversional analysis of copper recrystallization |
Pérez, Abel
; López-Olmedo, Joan Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
5 juny 2018 |
Isoconversional analysis of copper recrystallization |
Pérez, Abel
; López-Olmedo, Joan Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
1 agost 2016 |
Isoconversional analysis of copper recrystallization |
Pérez, Abel
; López-Olmedo, Joan Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
2013 |
Measurement of the specific heat and determination of the thermodynamic functions of relaxed amorphous silicon |
Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Taïr, Fadila
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere